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By HRDINovember 24, 2022Posted inArticles
Background Sikh and Hindu Afghans currently face a difficult if not unlivable situation in many parts of Afghanistan. The Sikh and Hindu communities have lived in Afghanistan for centuries but…
INTRODUCTION We live in a liberal society. The phenomena of democracy and open education have bridged the gulf of inequality between men and women to a great extent. They both…
Any discussion on the current state of minority rights in China must precede with the basic understanding of the term ‘Minority’. Well surprisingly, until the present day, there is no…
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1948.[1] It has been 73 years since the global community has prided itself…
Today human right has a great significance. There exist different minorities such as ethnic, lingual, religious and racial minorities, which have different tendencies that are derived from different civilizations and…
“Democracy is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority.” -Albert Camus Introduction Bangladesh, officially called the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is a south Asian country.…
Pakistan emerged as an independent country in 1947. It was earlier a part of India. Pakistan before separation was a mix of religions. Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism existed before the…
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that largely informs the laws and beliefs of the People’s Republic of China is perceived by the international community as largely authoritarian. Anyone who doesn’t…