Coinciding with the World Day for Social Justice on 20 February, the Employment and Social Protection Task Team, led by ILO, launched joint advocacy and communication on the theme of Rights for…
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June 2020 COVID-19: Protect children from child labour, now more than ever! 25 June 2020This online event will highlight the key impacts of COVID-19 to child labour globally and in Malaysia…
Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR) – Phase II 1 November 2018 - 31 October 2021This global project seeks to contribute to the promotion of fair recruitment practices globally and across…
2017 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery Forced Labour and Forced MarriageThe 2017 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery focus on two main issues: forced labour and forced marriage. The estimate of…
News on forced labour June 2020 COVID-19: Protect children from child labour, now more than ever! This online event will highlight the key impacts of COVID-19 to child labour globally and…
What is forced labour? Forced labour can be understood as work that is performed involuntarily and under the menace of any penalty. It refers to situations in which persons are coerced to work…
The growing pace of economic globalization has created more migrant workers than ever before. Unemployment and increasing poverty have prompted many workers in developing countries to seek work elsewhere. It…
Twenty former manual scavengers from Dewas, Madhya Pradesh formed a self-help group, leased a local village pond and began fish farming, increasing their incomes fivefold. Manual scavenging refers to the…
The absence of a statutory obligation to provide sanitation services by state agencies creates a situation where the rights of manual scavengers hang in the air. ARKAJA SINGH and ADITYA UNNIKRISHNAN 26 February,…