As part of the Follow-up to the Declaration, the ILO Director-General submits a Global Report on one of the four categories of fundamental principles and rights at work to the…
Adopted in 1998, the Declaration commits Member States to respect and promote principles and rights in four categories, whether or not they have ratified the relevant Conventions.These categories are: freedom…
The ILO Conventions cover a wide area of social and labour issues including basic human rights, minimum wages, industrial relations, employment policy, social dialogue, social security and other issues. ILO…
100 years ago the first International Labour Conference adopted the first International Labour Standard – on working time. As the ILO celebrates this landmark moment, ILO Working Time specialist, Jon…
International labour standards are legal instruments drawn up by the ILO's constituents (governments, employers and workers) and setting out basic principles and rights at work. They are either Conventions (or Protocols), which…
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998), a promotional instrument drawn up specifically to strengthen application of…
If regulations make Indian labour more costly, does this mean even minimum wages are too heavy a burden for a capitalist regulatory regime? Aiman HashmiGOVERNMENTLABOURLAW 25/MAY/2020 Prior to the advent…
State governments remove key labour laws to protect business interests at the expense of India’s impoverished workforce, denying them the little rights and protection they had . Analysis 1 April…
The Constitution of India is the touchstone for any Act passed in our country. The Constitution of India is the largest written constitution of the world. Each and every act which was…