Posted inIndian Diaspora Latest News MIGRANTS United Kingdom Video Gallery How did Indians migrate around the world? || 400 Years: Britain and India || Episode 5 Posted by By HRDI Admin July 17, 2020 In episode 5 of our web series exploring the relationship between Britain and India, Parle Patel and Dr Edward Anderson rewind 400 years to chart the history of migrants from India to colonies around the world and Britain. This helps to answer the question, “How did Indians migrate around the world?” The 400 Years web series was created in 2017 to mark the 70th anniversary of India’s independence; an inspiring moment to reflect on the profound relationship between Britain, India and the subcontinent’s rich history and culture. For many, it is only the events of the British Raj and Indian independence that define the relationship of the two countries. Both Britain and India where in very different places 400 years ago and the interactions between both countries throughout those four centuries have come to shape our world today in more ways than one would expect. The online videos explore the tightly woven and at times tumultuous relationship between Great Britain and India. Through a series of eight short films, Inspirate and Image Nova will present a broader portrait of the two countries by focusing on the origins of the relationship, the people who changed the face of the subcontinent and the legacy of decisions made over the four hundred years that bring us to the present day. To mark the 70th Anniversary of India & Pakistan’s independence, we are exploring the entire relationship between Britain & India over the past 400 years. In this first episode, we look at when Britain officially goes over to India – not as the government or crown, but as a trading and profitable company! Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More HRDI Admin View All PostsPost navigationPrevious Post POWER OF THE INDIAN DIASPORA VOTE IN THE UKNext PostIndian community groups demand action over Indian flag desecration in UK